I would not be able to mention one unique common drive that lies behind every time each one of us takes a picture, as there may be so many depending on the moment in our lives we are, the situation we are at, or simply put, the purpose of the photograph itself may be the main drive - a commercial purpose, a documentary one, or sharing with friends, family or anyone who may want to look at it. Sometimes it may be an inner force that want to resist the remediless past of time, trying to freeze an emotion, a moment with beloved ones, or even a person. Other times it may be the fear of forgetting, and in many other cases just for the purpose to express creativity and execute the genuine decision power that photography offers. Nowadays, vanity, accessible technology and social acceptance may also play their part on the reason why people take pictures almost on a daily basis, but that is another matter of discussion, not for this blog.
Photography for me has been a great way to learn to be more present, aware of my surroundings, contemplative, and eventually it helped me to relearn to look. It helped me to be aware of the type of lights we can see, its directions, the effects it causes with its reflection, as well as the elements that impact on its flow such as weather, obstacles to its source, or the presence of different range of colours. Eventually, to be conscious on how light may play a major role on our emotions.
Photography also provides to the photographer a genuine power of decision in many dimensions. It allows the photographer to represent the version he or she wants to project of his or her experience, by deciding what will be captured into the picture, and sometimes even more relevant, what will not be part of it. It also enables to freeze the time on the very specific moment that each one of us may have decided should be stopped. And last, it provides you with a powerful mean to tell stories, call for emotions, call for actions, discover new places, dream or just to provide an invite to the viewer to reflect, think or imagine, sometimes in a predetermined direction.
Although books do not tell you everything, they are a great source of technical and practical knowledge about photography, inspiration and ideas. I have personally read many books, from technical or historic aspects, as well as style specific ones.
But luckily, as many other things in life, you only learn it by doing it.
The best way to keep learning and developing is by taking photographs, being outside, experimenting, failing, and in many times by missing out great shots. The mere fact of the realisation that the moment or scene would have been a great shot, with its consequential frustration, is in itself a great learning step.
This blog does not aim to be a travel blog, or a lecture about photography, for that there are already many videos, on-line courses and books.
The purpose of this blog is simply to inspire other people, to get out there and take photographies with their very own perspective, and to explore new places or revisit some old ones seeking specific scenes or styles to photograph. I aim to achieve this by sharing some individual pictures I took in different locations I have visited. Locations that inspired me, challenged me and provoked me by the specific features, environment, conditions or circumstances those places offered, and that led me to take a very specific type of photo. So, in below posts I share learnings, reflections and recommendations from my own on ground trial - error process experienced in those locations, and that can be extrapolated at many other locations with similar features. Thus, aiming to go from a specific photo or place, to a general recommendation or norm, while sharing some amazing and special places I experienced.